Monday, August 20, 2012

Pussy Riot Hypocrite

What politician isn't a hypocrite?

White House spokesman Josh Earnest called the two-year prison sentence a Russian judge imposed on members of the punk band Pussy Riot, "disproportionate." They were found guilty of "hooliganism" for mocking Russian President Vladimir Putin. " He continued, "While we understand the group's behavior was offensive to some, we have serious concerns about the way these young women have been treated by the "Russian judicial system..."

Apple to orange hypocrisy? Maybe this is a stretch, but Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), do you think Obama really thinks the Pussy Riot verdict was "disproportionate"? Chris Hedges breaks it down here: criminalizing dissent
This section [1021 ] of the NDAA, signed into law by Obama on Dec. 31, 2011, obliterates some of our most important constitutional protections. It authorizes the executive branch to order the military to seize U.S. citizens deemed to be terrorists or associated with terrorists. Those taken into custody by the military, which becomes under the NDAA a domestic law enforcement agency, can be denied due process and habeas corpus and held indefinitely in military facilities. Any activist or dissident, whose rights were once protected under the First Amendment, can be threatened under this law with indefinite incarceration in military prisons, including our offshore penal colonies. The very name of the law itself—the Homeland Battlefield Bill—suggests the totalitarian credo of endless war waged against enemies within "the homeland" as well as those abroad.

"The essential thrust of the NDAA is to create a system of justice that violates the separation of powers," Mayer told the court. "[The Obama administration has] taken detention out of the judicial branch and put it under the executive branch."

The Brave New 1984 continues to unfold, surprise, surprise. Anyone know where I can find the closest Ecuadorian Embassy?

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